Monday, April 15, 2013

Macro Photo Time!!

Water-Etched Pencil Holder
Cone 10 Reduction
Tenmoku over Rutile

Short, Fat Pitcher:  Stamped design
Cone 10 Reduction
Ferg's Pumpkin glaze with Oribe on top
Macro of Stamped Design

Short, Fat Pitcher:  Stamped design
Cone 10 Reduction
Ferg's Pumpkin glaze with Oribe on top
Macro of Stamped Design

Pencil/Whatnot Holder
Cone 10 Reduction
Luster Shino under Tenmoku

Stop sign platter
Cone 10 R
Fergs Pumpkin with Rutile on sides
Macro of Fergs and Foot Detail

Stop sign platter
Cone 10 R
Fergs Pumpkin with Rutile on sides
Macro of Fergs Pumpkin and Foot detail

Porcelain Plate
Cone 10 R
Macro of Rutile over Copper Red
Copper red, Rutile, St. John's Black

Porcelain Plate
Cone 10 R
Copper red, Rutile, St. John's Black

Porcelain mug (handle up close)
Cone 10 R
Rutile with Micro-crystals

Porcelain mug (handle up close)
Cone 10 R
Rutile with Micro-crystals

Porcelain mug (carving details)
Cone 10 R
Rutile with Micro-crystals

Porcelain mug (Inside View)
Cone 10 R
Rutile with Micro-crystals
Porcelain mug (Carving Details)
Cone 10 R
Rutile with Micro-crystals

Water-etched cup
Cone 10 R
Rutile (with micro-crystals)

Water-etched cup
Cone 10 R
Rutile (with micro-crystals)

Water-etched cup
Cone 10 R
Rutile (with micro-crystals)

Water-etched Pencil Holder
Cone 10 R
Rutile under Tenmoku
Water-etched Pencil Holder
Cone 10 R
Rutile under Tenmoku
Close up of Peacock Tumbler
Red Earthenware
Multiple Glazes

Porcelain Plate
Cone 10 R
Luster Shino under Rutile
Rutile Fire

Porcelain Plate
Cone 10 R
Luster Shino under Rutile

Porcelain Plate
Cone 10 R
Luster Shino under Rutile

So...  I have around 100+ photos that I have been slowly making my way through and thought I would post some of the most awesome Macro shots out of the group. 

 My Pottery Page


  1. Amazingly beautiful effects! And it looks like you have a lot of fun with your work. I'm going to have to look into this water etching technique...

    1. Thank you so much, it really means a lot to hear! Are you on FB??

    2. i couldn't feast my eyes on this stuff and not comment! yep to fb but better contacted via

    3. Thats awesome, couldn't find a place to join your site but nice work!!
